Troop(s) Date Event
JAN 6 Nisha Kittan OA Lodge Banquet
JAN 23 Introduction to Welding Merit Badge
JAN 30 Ice Skating @ Steinberg Rink in Forest Park
FEB 11 Scout Sunday
MAR 23-24 Cabin Campout @ Beaumont
MAR 29-31 Easter Egg Delivery fundraiser
APR 12-13 Signal Hill School Campout
APR 12-14 Nisha Kittan OA Lodge Spring Ordeal
APR 16 Court of Honor
APR 19-21 Tipton Campout
MAY 4 Car Show fundraiser
MAY 14 Welding
JUN 4 Fishing
JUN 11 St. Louis Zoo
JUN 18 Bike Ride
JUN 18 Les Misérables @ The Muny
JUN 25 Scout Camp Prep
JUN 25 Bike Ride
JUL 2 NO SCOUTS - Happy Independence Day!
JUL 7-13 Scout Camp @ Famous Eagle
JUL 19 Friends & Family night at Skyview Drive-In
JUL 23 Pool Party
JUL 30 Campout Prep
AUG 2-4 Clearwater Lake Campout
AUG 6 Bowling
SEP 3 Court of Honor & Summer Contest Drawing
SEP 6-8 Nisha Kittan OA Lodge Fall Ordeal
SEP 20-21 Belleville Oktoberfest fundraiser
OCT 29 ScoutCon at The Lotus Lookout
NOV 9 Scouting For Food (Bags Out)
NOV 16 Scouting For Food (Pickup)
DEC 20 Boys' Lock-In
DEC 27 Girls' Lock-In
Troop(s) Date Event
JAN 14 Graphic Arts merit badge at Beatnik's
FEB 11 Klondike Derby day trip at Camp Warren Levis
FEB 12 Scout Sunday
MAR 3-5 Cabin campout at Camp Beaumont
MAR 24-26 Tree House campout at S-Bar-F
APR 8 Easter Egg Delivery fundraiser
APR 18 Court of Honor
APR 22 Car Show fundraiser
MAY 5-7 Tipton Campout
JUN 2-4 Rend Lake Campout
JUN 6 Bi-Annual CPR/AED Certification with Contemporary Life Saving Training
JUN 13 Fishing at Frank Holten State Park
JUN 20 Cahokia Mounds
JUL 2-8 Scout Camp at S-Bar-F Camp Gamble
JUL 11 Friends & Family night at Skyview Drive-In
JUL 25 Friends & Family night at Dorchester Swim & Tennis Club
AUG 26 Johnson Shut-Ins State Park & Elephant Rocks State Park Day Trip
SEP 8-9 Nisha Kittan OA Fall Reunion at Camp Warren Levis
SEP 15-16 Belleville Oktoberfest
SEP 26 Court of Honor
OCT 3 Court of Honor
OCT 6-8 Pere Marquette State Park Campout
OCT 24 ScoutCon at The Lotus Lookout
NOV 11 Scouting for Food (bags)
NOV 18 Scouting for Food (pickup)
DEC 29 Lock-in